Mississippi Mud Cake

Yesterday was my dear mother's 28th birthday. We had a lovely celebration, including dinner at Nino's Pizza (one of around three restaurants my parents ever go to), where we ate entirely too much, then we went back to our house for cake and gifts. But you likely don't care, you're here for the cake. And I don't blame you. It's delicious. My mommy and I celebrated her day by making it together. It was a bit of a struggle for me, as I don't like to share my kitchen. My mom is better at sharing, but she likes to be in charge. So that made me upset, but I tolerated it for her. Happy birthday, Mom.
She wished for more handbags
This cake is a favorite in my house. It comes from the recipe book of my late Grandma Sue. The recipe is to be respected in all ways, including those that make me twitch (mostly margarine), but it does come out great nonetheless. It includes a chocolate cake with pecans, then a layer of marshmallow fluff, topped off with chocolate frosting.

Grandma Sue's Mississippi Mud Cake
2 sticks of margarine, room temperature
1½ cups of flour
2 cups of sugar
4 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
1½ cups of pecans (if it were up to me I wouldn't include these, it's up to you)
7 oz jar of marshmallow fluff

1 stick of margarine
4 cups of powdered sugar
⅓ cup of cocoa powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
¼ cup of water

This whole operation is insanely straight forward. First preheat your oven to 300 if you're using a metal pan, or 285 if glass. Mix together the margarine, flour, sugar and eggs together for about a minute. Then add everything else. And that's it. All there is to it. Spread it out in a 9x13 pan and bake for 45 minutes. As soon as it come out, spread the marshmallow fluff all over. Since the cake will be hot still, the top will most likely come off with the fluff as you spread it around, but that's okay since the frosting goes over top and you won't be able to see it. Let that cool completely.

For the frosting, first beat the butter until it's creamy. Then start to add the powdered sugar one cup at a time, pouring in water as necessary. Finally add the cocoa powder and vanilla and beat it for a little while so it's fluffier. Frost the cake, and you're done!
Action shot with the birthday girl
Dad says "Incredibly rich. I'd love to have it every week but it would kill me. It's my favorite dessert treat that my mom used to make." My mom is at work so I can't ask her to give a direct quote, but I'm sure she'd say something to the effect of "Delicious! The perfect birthday treat!" I can also attest that it is delicious. I'm not usually a chocolate person because it tends to be too dark for me in desserts, but the flavor was definitely chocolate while still being nice and sweet, or as my Grandma Janice said "So sweet it would give Honey Boo Boo a tooth ache!"


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