Oreo Truffle Brownies

So I mentioned in my first post with the cookie dough truffles how Oreo truffles and I have a long history. We go way back. I love them, the filling is honestly to die for, I just hate the dipping process. So this was perfect. I got to enjoy the yummmmmmmy filling without suffering through the excruciating truffle process. And they were so wonderfully easy! I made them for a party my parents threw for their friends on Sunday night. I started baking a little after 6 and they were done by 7:30. Most of the process was just waiting for things to cool. If you wanted to make it even faster, you could use a brownie mix. Brownie mixes aren't as offensive to me as cake mixes. There's absolutely no reason for that hypocrisy and I can't explain it. Regardless, they were easy and delicious as long as rich and chocolatey is your jam. I found them on Pinterest from a site called Chef in Training.

Oreo Truffle Brownies
2 sticks of butter, room temperature
2 cups of sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp of vanilla
½ cup of cocoa powder
1⅓ cups of flour
½ tsp of salt
1 package of Double Stuf Oreos
4 oz of cream cheese, room temperature
1 10 oz bag of chocolate chips (milk or dark, up to you)

Cream the butter and sugar, and the eggs one at a time, add all the dry ingredients. See? Homemade brownies are still easy. Pour it into a greased up 9x13 pan and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes (I used a kinda old non-non-stick pan so the brownies stuck to it a little. I should have used more spray or a better pan. Ooops). The original recipe said 20-25, but mine were not quite done at that point. But ovens vary, you should still check on it around 20 minutes just in case. I was in sort of a hurry so I put my brownies in the fridge to cool them faster.

While those are cooling, start the filling. Crush up all those Oreos. If you're fancy or calm, you can use a food processor to make them crumbly. Or if you don't have a food processor or do have some rage, you can put them in a gallon sized Ziploc baggie and CRUSH THEM with your bare fists or a rolling pin. Mix all those crumbs up with the cream cheese. Once the brownies are cool, spread the Oreo stuff all over the top. Then melt your chocolate. I was bad and used the microwave (safe bowl, 30 second intervals, stirring between so you don't burn it! Mine took 3 rounds). Spread that all over your nice yummy topping, and then put it in the fridge until the chocolate is set.

Dad said (paraphrasing here): "I had one because everyone was talking about how good they were. Then I had another. Something something they were wicked or dangerous or something like that." Chocolate is definitely his jam. Nate said "they were amazing," and my parents' friend Ginger placed an order for them for this weekend. Yay! For me, they were so super rich. I think they might have been better if it weren't so hot and humid. Maybe more of a cold weather treat for my taste. But I tend to favor fruity flavors. This is one for the chocolate lovers!


  1. I echo your hypocrisy on cake vs brownie mixes. I can't explain it but have never used a cake mix but never bat an eye at brownies from a box.

    Also - thank you for the suggestion on a way to use my rage.


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